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About us

A great About Us page helps builds trust between you and your customers. The more content you provide about you and your business, the more confident people will be when purchasing from your store.

Your About Us page might include:

  • Who you are
  • Why you sell the items you sell
  • Where you are located
  • How long you have been in business
  • How long you have been running your online shop
  • Who are the people on your team
  • Contact information
  • Social links (Twitter, Facebook)

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When you have a great story about how your product or service was built to change lives, share it. The "About Us" page is a great place for it to live, too. Good stories humanize your brand, providing context and meaning for your product. What’s more, good stories are sticky -- which means people are more likely to connect with them and pass them on.

Yellow Leaf Hammocks tells users about its product by describing how the hammocks empower artisan weavers and their families. The company breaks down different pieces of the story into sections that combine words and easily digestible graphics, painting a picture instead of big chunks of text. They're clear about why they're different: "Not a Charity," the page reads. And then: "This is the basis for a brighter future, built on a hand up, not a handout."

People tend to think that "About Us" pages have to sound formal to gain credibility and trust. But most people find it easier to trust real human beings, rather than a description that sounds like it came from an automaton. Trying to sound too professional on your "About Us" page results in stiff, “safe” copy and design the perfect way to make sure your company blends in with the masses.

Instead, Eight Hour Day showcases the people behind the company and humanizes its brand. Introducing the founders by name and featuring the photos of them on the "About Us" page drives home the point that Nathan and Katie are as they so astutely put it "two individuals with a passion for creativity creativity makes us happy."